Todd Brabec, Esq.
Entertainment Law Attorney;
Co-Author of "Music, Money and Success";
Adjunct Professor at USC
Entertainment Law Attorney;
Co-Author of "Music, Money and Success";
Adjunct Professor at USC
Todd Brabec, former ASCAP Executive Vice President and Worldwide Director of
Membership, is an Entertainment Law attorney, a Deems Taylor Award winning co-
author of the best selling music business book " Music, Money and Success: the
Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Business” (8th edition, Schirmer Books/
Wise Music) as well as the “Music Publishing Law” chapter in the 2 volume legal treatise
“ The Essential Guide to Entertainment Law-Dealmaking” ( Juris Publications), an
Adjunct Professor at USC where he teaches the course on Music Publishing, Music
Licensing and Film, Television and Video Game scoring and song contracts and a
former Governing Committee member as well as Music and Budget Chair of the
American Bar Association Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries. In
addition to the Deems Taylor Award for Excellence in Music Journalism, he is the
recipient of the 2005 Educational Leadership Award from the Music & Entertainment
Industry Educators Association (MEIEA), the 2015 Texas Star Award from the State Bar
of Texas for Outstanding Achievement and Contribution to the field of Entertainment
Law and the 2019 California Copyright Conference Apollo Award for Excellence in
Leadership and Achievement in the Music Industry and is a graduate of the New York
University School of Law.
During his 37 year career at ASCAP, he was responsible for all Membership operations, personnel and offices as well as signing many of ASCAP’s most successful songwriters, writer/artists and film, television and video game composers in addition to significantly changing many of ASCAP's payment, distribution and survey rules including those that significantly increased the royalties for successful radio songs and film and television theme songs and scores. In addition, he was involved in numerous federal “Rate Court” proceedings as well as Consent Decree reviews.
He lectures extensively throughout the world at conferences, universities, bar associations, law firms and management companies and has appeared on hundreds of panels including PLI, the American Bar Association, the Game Developers Conference, DIMA, the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers (IAEL), Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, NATPE, Midem, Canadian Music Week, the Association of Independent Music Publishers (AIMP) as well as many others. He has hundreds of published articles on all aspects of the business and law of Music and Entertainment. His Mitchell Hamline law review article, “The Performance Right: a World in Transition”, was selected by West/Thomson/Reuters as one of the best Entertainment Law Review articles of 2016.
Prior to his Entertainment Law practice, he was a legal services attorney in Chicago for Community Legal Counsel (Office of Economic Opportunity) as well as a recording artist as The Reunion. Website: musicandmoney.com
During his 37 year career at ASCAP, he was responsible for all Membership operations, personnel and offices as well as signing many of ASCAP’s most successful songwriters, writer/artists and film, television and video game composers in addition to significantly changing many of ASCAP's payment, distribution and survey rules including those that significantly increased the royalties for successful radio songs and film and television theme songs and scores. In addition, he was involved in numerous federal “Rate Court” proceedings as well as Consent Decree reviews.
He lectures extensively throughout the world at conferences, universities, bar associations, law firms and management companies and has appeared on hundreds of panels including PLI, the American Bar Association, the Game Developers Conference, DIMA, the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers (IAEL), Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, NATPE, Midem, Canadian Music Week, the Association of Independent Music Publishers (AIMP) as well as many others. He has hundreds of published articles on all aspects of the business and law of Music and Entertainment. His Mitchell Hamline law review article, “The Performance Right: a World in Transition”, was selected by West/Thomson/Reuters as one of the best Entertainment Law Review articles of 2016.
Prior to his Entertainment Law practice, he was a legal services attorney in Chicago for Community Legal Counsel (Office of Economic Opportunity) as well as a recording artist as The Reunion. Website: musicandmoney.com
- 2022
February 10, 2022 | 10:00am - 10:45am PT